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The Soap

The perfect way to save.

Antimicrobial additives for protection

Keeping it clean

Making it easy to bring

Making it last more

Giving you the best benefits possible

Available in 3 different sizes to accomodate to all bars of soap.

3 Sizes

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Will keep all of your soap clean and dry when not in use.

Keeping it clean

Never have to worry about using hotel soap again - simply bring your own.

Bring your own

The problem with soap bars


Soap bars can have a short shelf life

Because most soap bars don’t contain any preservatives, they can go bad if not used quickly enough. Moisture and humidity can also affect a soap bar’s shelf life, so it’s important to store them in a cool and dry place.This means that if you don’t use a soap bar fast enough, it might smell funny or become moldy. To ensure that your soap lasts as long as possible, keep it in a sealed container or wrap it in wax paper.


They are more likely to get slimy or mushy if not stored properly

Have you ever noticed how some soap bars get slimy or mushy when you try to use them, while others seem to last forever? It turns out that there is a reason for this. Soap bars are mostly made of natural oils and fats that can easily decay, especially if they are exposed to moisture or high temperatures. 
It’s important to store your soap bars in a cool, dry place and ensure they are not exposed to direct sunlight or heat.


It can be difficult to find biodegradable packaging for them

One of the biggest advantages of soap bars is that they don’t necessarily require plastic packaging. Unfortunately, finding biodegradable packaging options for soap bars can be difficult.
For this reason, many companies are now offering “naked” or “unpackaged” soap bars that come without any packaging. This is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment. However, this is only limited to certain areas.


They can be messy and difficult to travel with

For some people, the convenience of liquid soap outweighs any environmental benefits that come along with using soap bars. Liquid soaps are easier to use and less messy, and they often come in convenient pump bottles that people can use with one hand. Not to mention, it also helps keep your counters and showers cleaner.


Some people prefer the convenience of liquid soaps

For some people, the convenience of liquid soap outweighs any environmental benefits that come along with using soap bars. Liquid soaps are easier to use and less messy, and they often come in convenient pump bottles that people can use with one hand. Not to mention, it also helps keep your counters and showers cleaner.

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