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About Us

How this great idea began

Where it all started

One day, while I was taking a shower, I was washing up with a large bar of Shea Butter Black soap.  When I had finished showering, I tried to place the bar of soap in a normal size soap dish but discovered the soap was too big. The next day, I began to visit various stores trying to find a soap dish to accommodate my unusually large bar of soap, only to discover there was actually a larger and longer bar of soap called mandarin orange that would have not been able to fit inside of a normal size dish soap container.  I then began to tinker with the idea of creating an extra-large dish soap container to accommodate those unusually large bars of soap.   In addition, I also observed while staying in various hotels, there were no small dish soap containers to accommodate the small size bar of soap. So, I then began to endeavor to create “The “Soap Saver Dish Container” to accommodate the extra-large, large, medium, and small bars of soap.  


- Steven Oliver

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